Thursday, October 9, 2008

hogbacks galore

Nelsy finally stepped away from covering feature stories to get at an issue story in the community. The housing development along the Hogbacks. I am still waiting for Nelsy’s story about the Warm Springs Townhomes. Where is my follow up?

Here is the dumbest story to date. Nicole Sack and Jeff Horseman already wrote that residents request the state FPPC look into campaign finance allegations. She writes a follow up here. This follow up is an example of A)someone not knowing how the process works or B)putting something in print just to get a byline. The FPPC always looks into these allegations. They have to. That’s their job. If I accused Tom Buckley of taking illegal bribes in the form of Elsinore Trout the FPPC would have to investigate.

Ohh I jumped the gun on Nicole Sack. Jeff Horseman did the same thing. I think this was an attempt by the papers to keep the story going. Tomorrow’s headline:

City Council Critics used paper to print out allegations.

I would write more about southwest Riverside County news from the PE but apparently they have totally forgotten about the area. If it wasn’t for Horseman you would think the southwest area voted to become an independent nation and the PE wasn’t going to cover it anymore.

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