Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No more restaurants

Congrats to Nelsy for writing about a closure of a restaurant in Murrieta. I thought this story would be a quick, shop is closed story. Nelsy actually used it to briefly take a look at strip malls in the city. Now my only concern here is that she wrote about this restaurant and not about any others because the city asked her to. While that’s at least the bias I see. I perhaps have a reason why Giovannis went out of business. It costs too much. I could go to any other Italian restaurant and get the same for three to four dollars cheaper. At least Nelsy is covering Murrieta. The story is here.

The Cal’s local section actually resembled a business section with Nelsy’s store closing store, Menifee’s Target opening and a story about a Fresh & Easy.

I have heard that Sarah Burge is the new Murrieta reporter and here is a story from her about the City Council candidates. If it is true that Burge is taking over for Murrieta I am happy and Nelsy should be scared.

Reporter Tip of the Day

Please, please do not start a story with LIKE. Now I know rules are made to be broken if written in the right way. But Mr. Aaron Burgin this is not it.

Like the US and its quest for foreign oil independence, local water agencies always look for ways to rely less heavily on drinking water imported from other sources.

Its wrong for so many reasons. Reason 1: Foreign oil independence will make many readers stop.

Reason 2: Like. Like what. What are you comparing here. You have a comparison but the comparison is in the second part.

Reason 3: This is what I call a college or high school lede. It’s easy to write this lede. That’s why you see it in high school and college papers.

It seems some of the most interesting stories from the southwest section of the PE is coming from Hope Pierson and her inside stories. This story was great and it didn’t start with Like.

I would review more stories but both papers have been struggling. At least they now have fires to keep their attention.

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